Mary L. Trump — Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man Book Review

4 min readJun 23, 2020


Our book review on the newly published book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.

Clinical psychologist Mary L. Trump releases her new book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. Here is our Book Review on a captivating book detailing the early childhood, victimization and development of Donald J. Trump.

If you haven’t already, check out our previous book review on John Bolton’s The Room Where it Happened: A White House Memoir.

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man

About the author

Mary L. Trump is oldest daughter of Fred Trump Jr., the older brother of Donald J. Trump, thus making Mary Donald Trump’s niece. Mary earned a Masters in Literature at Columbia and a Doctorate in Psychology from Adelphi University. In her book, Mary showcases the perspective of a clinical psychologist with firsthand experience and insider knowledge of the Trump family and specifically Donald Trump.

Because of her Literature and Psychology degrees, the public expects, as does the marketing of the book suggest, an unbiased and professional layout of events in the Trump family that shaped Donald J. Trump to be who is is today.

In this book, she shines a light on the various difficulties the Trump family had with their family. This includes, but not limited to, the victimization of Donald Trump from his father and his relationship with his brother. There is a heavy focus on the atmosphere in the house and the development of the man now the 45th president of the United States.

Mary L. Trump wrote and released her book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, releases June 28th, 2020.

Check out Mary L. Trump — Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man on Amazon!

Just like other books coming out of the Trump administration or portraying Donald Trump in a bad light, Trump actively tries to block the release of the book.

What do we know from Mary L. Trump’s interview and Book

Mary L. Trump calls out the toxic atmosphere and relationships in the Trump family. She said that all the relationships were destructive, and it was like a nightmare of traumas. She said that she and her family was always neglected and abused.

Mary also talks about the kind of relationship Donald had with his older brother Fred, clearly full of spite and a need to outperform, and how Fred Trump Jr. gave up his position to run the family business.

This toxicity ends up leading Mary L. Trump and the rest of Fred Trump Jr’s children to sue for the will left by Fred Sr. omitting Fred Trump Jr from his will, when they claimed fraudulent signature (accusing Donald Trump) and invalidity of the will. Read more on this story here.

Fred Trump Jr. was constantly pressured by Donald Trump and their father Fred Trump Sr. to eventually join and run the family business as their father had intended. Reports on the early life of Fred Trump Jr. depict him as a playful and soft-spoken individual far from the cruel and brash depiction of Donald Trump.

Check out the book on Amazon now!

Mary Trump’s book depicts Donald Trump as the favorite in the family, especially of his father Fred Trump Sr.

On the book cover, you can see the picture of a young Donald Trump, making clear the intent of the book to dissect the development of this young man. In the title, she reveals that Donald Trump is the world’s most dangerous man.

From his countless decisions and speeches before and after becoming the 45h President of the United States, it’s clear that this cruelty from his childhood shadows him even today.

According to Mary L.Trump, Donald Trump has a cruel personality and chaotic nature. She reveals the nature of Donald Trump as well as the incidents and insight into his relationships never discussed before.

As her book is based on many years he spent with Trump, saying that the original victim of Donald Trump was the president’s eldest sibling, Fred Trump Jr. He is the original victim of Donald Trump’s bullying.

Mary discussed the real estate business of her family. She explains that her father was warm and easy-going in all aspects but could not play the role of a cutthroat real estate Baron. Donald and Fred’s father expected these things from Fred, but instead Donald steps up and takes over the role of handling the business and running it.

In 1981, at the age of 42, Fred Trump Jr. died due to “health complications because of alcoholism”. Donald Trump abstains from tobacco and alcohol saying, “I watched him, and I learned from him.”

Not long after the suit for Fred Trump Sr.’s assets was documented, Donald changed the medical insurance coverage of, removing inclusion for an incapacitated newborn child destined to Fred’s own child, Fred III.

Read more on the lawsuit and the removal of medical insurance out of spite.

Insiders claim Trump is “irked” by the book’s announcement and release, even stating Mary L. Trump signed an NDA. In 2001, Mary did sign an NDA during the settlement of assets owned by Fred Trump Sr., as explained by the Daily Beast.

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Originally published at on June 23, 2020.




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