The Rich are getting Richer. What about the poor?
The fact of the matter is: The rich are getting richer. In this age, how much you earn decides everything. Moreover, getting rich off the backs of the working class or those in poverty has become the norm.
Gap Between Rich and The Poor — Is It Still Rising?
In short, yes. While many corporations claim to earn their money using clean methodologies, a few basic facts tend to muddle the waters. One of the most common strategies tends to be outsourcing manual & factory labor to developing countries for a cheaper price.
While outsourcing in and of itself isn’t condemning, practices like child labor, financial pressures on governments to keep foreign business, as well as an overall difference in working conditions seem to beg to differ.
Studies have shown how poverty affects children and parents, and it’s heart wrenching. While people in poverty have fewer options for food, education and standard of living, the rich tend to focus on earning more money.
Education of kids in poverty
What happens to the children? Well, wealthier families have the option of raising their children with the help of tutors, private schools, college admissions and much more.
On the other hand, if you aren’t earning enough to support yourself or your family, your kids end up helping out. Not only is education in primary and secondary schools tougher from the workload, getting into and paying for college tends to be out of the question.
This isn’t to say any one child or person is better than the other, in fact I would say if given the opportunity we would see the greatest contribution to our economy by families and children.
This tends to be the hardest part about poverty though; Schools, especially colleges are run more like a business then a place of learning. A university acting as a major financial institution with hundreds of millions in research and contribution funds will still charge exorbitant fees.
Will the Government Help?
Governments around the world have considered different strategies to combat this ever growing gap. As pointed out above, monetary and educational help is absolutely necessary right now.
By directly implementing better education strategies, governments would share opportunities to change their and their families livelihoods.
Even nations like the United States struggle with people working 2–3+ jobs and still not earning enough to make a living. Increasing opportunity and decreasing the risk of committing to these is a mus.
A country that can help themselves can help others; it’s our responsibility to help others when we can, even one nation helping another. These endeavors as of now have been found in some African and Asian nations, and that have helped numerous individuals to increase the living standards.
I believe everyone should have access to a full education. Clearly many issues, beyond poverty, tend to rise from a lack of education and opportunity. Furthermore, education is the most valuable weapon to battle against poverty. So the government and the people need to ensure that all the kids get an education.
What problems could this situation cause?
This pattern of growing the gap between the rich and poor people is not straightforward by any means. The rich are getting to be richer without a doubt, and the poor have spend more money then they earn. So can this be fixed somehow?
Cost of living is the biggest issue to face. The biggest worry parents have for their children is whether they can live soundly and without issues. While wealthier communities are fine, low income communities, generally cheaper cost of living, come with their own challenges in their livelihood, communities and education/opportunities.
This tends to be a breeding ground for reckless thoughts, behavior (sometimes crime), and a hole you sometimes get sucked into and can’t get out.
The rich are getting richer? Lets see some solutions to close that gap
First comes jobs. To deal with the current population of individuals, an increase in job opportunities for physical labor and jobs you can train for are a must.
This allows the current population of parents, grandparents and even children with a lack of opportunity to get out of this pattern.(part of this solution relies on businesses and corporations implementing their own strategies to not abuse the outsourcing/child labor norms)
Another method is by receiving an impartial tax assessment system, meaning that individuals are living as per their salary. Its extremely common for the richest to pay nothing in taxes, when in fact most of the working and middle class tend hurt.
Taxes should be implemented to all proportionately. That means increasing taxes on the wealthy and decreasing on the poor.
What’s more, this consequently advances the rise of the economy, bringing financial and social advantages to the poor as well as the rich, and also closing the gap.
We’ve written a deeper article on the Gap between the Rich and the Poor, talking more about solutions so please check it out!
A little bit of research also shows a few efforts from goodhearted individuals to increase education in developing countries.